Shruti Chandra is a corporate executive who has helped to launch the Start-Up India hub while in Invest India, where she was Vice President, before joining Prudential PLC as their head of public policy for India. Her broad areas of expertise span Digital Services, E-commerce and Fintech, through which she had actively contributed to Ease of Doing Business initiatives.
She has supported government to government dialogues with UK, Belgium and Canada by providing content for all CEO Roundtables, and PMO interactions with investors.
She holds a Master's in Management and International Management jointly awarded by the University of Sydney Business School and CEMS (Rotterdam School of Management and Cologne University).
She has been a jury member for many important events such as the Economic Times Great India Retail Awards 2024, Economic Times E-commerce and Digital Natives Awards (eDNA) 2023, the Global Fintech Festival 2022 and the Estee Lauder Beauty and You contest 2024.
She has been accorded recognition as a EICBI Europe-India 40 leader for 2023, a distinction conferred upon her in the EU Parliament.
ANTARANG - Branding and Scaling up of Start-Ups: Harsh Pamnani and Priya Singh in conversation with Shruti Chandra
RANGDARSHINI - Spiritual Power and Mystique of Number 108: Alka Pande in conversation with Raghav Chandra
VAGARTH - Boundary Lab, The All Round Impact of Sports: Nandan Kamath in conversation with Amrit Mathur and Shlok Chandra