Prof (Dr) Rolii Agrawal has around 18 years of teaching experience with graduate and postgraduate students. She completed her gradua:on from St. Stephen’s College, and has taught English Language to college students and immigrants in London. Her doctoral thesis centred around an existen:al analysis of the plays of Arthur Miller and she did her University of Cambridge teacher training course, CELTA, from UK. Her research interests include gender issues, literary adapta:ons, and bibliotherapy and she has presented papers at reputed na:onal and interna:onal conferences. She heads Jagran School of Languages and Social Sciences at Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal. A thorough literature enthusiast, she loves reading fic:on, non-fic:on, and poetry in both English and Hindi, and absolutely enjoys teaching literature, language, wri:ng, gender and culture courses.