
Anita Mani


Anita Mani lives, works and birds in Delhi, from where she runs Indian Pitta, her book imprint with Juggernaut Books. In addition to editing books about birds and natural history, Anita writes on technology and communications, a throwback to the time she ran the operations of a communications software company. Her work journey is similar to that of a migrating bird – she has oscillated from writing (first for the Hindu Business Line, and later Business Standard) to a corporate career and back to writing. For several years, she ran a news and current affairs publication for children called Child Friendly News. For now, she is content to watch, read and write about birds.

Event & Program Schedule

12:00 PM - 12:50 PM - 02 FEBRUARY 2025

ANTARANG - Just a Mercenary, Memoirs of a RBI Governor: Duvvuri Subbarao in conversation with Dr K P Krishnan

RANGDARSHINI - Cities of Immortality, Banaras & Mathura: Vertul Singh,  Pradip Bhatnagar and Sunita Bhatnagar in conversation with Dr Neelkamal Kapoor

VAGARTH - Is Our Planet in Transition?: Anita Mani, Abinash Mohanty and Dr Debajit Palit in conversation with Bharati Chaturvedi (Presented by CRF)

The Society for Culture & Environment will hold the fourth edition of 'Heartland Stories — Bhopal Literature and Art Festival 2022 as a physical cum virtual event, between 25-27th March 2022.


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